3.2. Configuring your business

The settings you make at business level are important, especially when billing your customers. To change these settings, go to Business » My Business Details.

If you will not use Fanurio to create invoices, you can skip this section.

3.2.1. About your business

You can enter id and contact information about your business in the Company and Contact sections. You need to fill in these fields if you create invoices.

The "Other Number" field can be used to enter any other registration number like the Trade Register number.

On Mac OS X you can import your contact details from Apple's Address Book.

3.2.2. Defining currencies

Go to the Currency section to define the currencies you want to use in Fanurio and to make one of them the default one.

Usually, you don't need to define any currency since Fanurio automatically detects your currency from your computer settings. But if it doesn't detect it correctly or if your business bills in multiple currencies, this is the place where you can make the changes.

3.2.3. Creating the catalog

Go to the Catalog section to define the services, products and expenses sold by your business. For instance, if you are a web-designer you could define:

  • A service called Ongoing Maintenance that is charged $40/hour,

  • A service called Site Design and Setup that is charged $200/unit,

  • A product called Hosting that is charged $10/month, and

  • An expense called Printing that is charged $15/unit.

A catalog item makes it easier to create new project items because Fanurio will use its settings by default. If you create a new service item based on Ongoing Maintenance, that service is automatically configured to by billed by the hour at a rate of $40.

3.2.4. Defining taxes

Go to the Taxes section if you need to use taxes for your invoices. Taxes are not enabled by default.

To deal with a whole range of possible taxes and tax combinations, Fanurio uses two concepts: the Tax and the Tax Group. A Tax has a name and a default rate while a Tax Group contains one or more taxes. In order to apply taxes to an invoice, you need to group taxes in a tax group. Even if you have just one tax.

To quickly define your taxes, we recommend that you use the Tax Wizard. Only if the wizard doesn't do what you want, you should try to build a tax group by hand.

3.2.5. Configuring time rounding

Go to the Billing section to define a default time rounding rule.

The time rounding rule you define here will be applied to all new projects you create, it will not alter the settings of existing projects. If you want the new rule to also be applied to existing projects, you will have to change them by hand.

3.2.6. Configuring automatic invoice numbering

Go to the Billing section to enable automatic invoice numbering.

Having to type a number for each invoice you create can be a very annoying experience not only because you have to type it but because you have to look for the number of the previous invoice. Fanurio automates this task by offering automatic invoice numbering. Invoices can be numbered globally or per client.

If you use global numbering, the invoice counter will be incremented with each invoice that you create. But you can also number invoices for each client separately. If this option is enabled, the invoice counter of each client is incremented only when an invoice is created for them. You can also define a format for the invoice number that can include besides the counter, the client code, the client name, the year or the date.

For instance, if you have to create five invoices for two clients ABC and XYZ and the invoice number format is client code+counter, here's how they would be numbered:

  1. global numbering: ABC001, ABC002, XYZ003, ABC004, XYZ005

  2. per client numbering: ABC001, ABC002, XYZ001, ABC003, XYZ002