3.11. Working with payments

3.11.1. Recording payments for an invoice

When you receive payment for an invoice, go to the Invoices view and select the invoice. Then use the New Payment button to record the payment.

To see, edit or delete payments, go to the Payments view.

3.11.2. Searching and filtering payments

To learn more about the payments you receive, go to the Payments view and use the filters above the payments table. The table will display only those payments that match the selected filters. Payments can be filtered by:

  • date,

  • invoice,

  • reference or

  • client.

Once you set these filters, the table footer will display the total of all visible payments. For instance, you could use these filters to see how much money a client has paid you this year.

If you need to do extra calculations on the list of payments, you can also export it to CSV or Excel from File » Export.