7.35. Version 1.2 (February 12, 2007)

New Features

  • Currency support: Money is no longer represented as a plain number but as a number plus currency. Usually this is not a problem for people working with a single currency but it is helpful for those who have to deal with multiple currencies.

    When invoicing a project with multiple currencies, users can specify an invoice currency and exchange rates to this currency.

    To manage the currencies that you can use, go to Business > My Business Details and click on the Currency tab.

  • New application data folder: The application no longer keeps its data in the installation folder but in each user's profile folder. Users can find the data created by the application in Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Fanurio.

    When the new version is started, it asks if old data should be copied to the new location.

  • New date field: Added a date field for both items and expenses. Users can specify when a project item has been started and when an expense has occurred.

New Options

  • Run on startup: If checked, the application will be started automatically when the computer is started. This option is not enabled by default.

    When started automatically, the application doesn't display the splash screen and it is minimized in the tray bar.

  • On idle action: If the timer is running and users leave the computer, the application can decide what to do if the computer becomes idle. It can either stop the timer directly or ask the user if the idle period should be discarded.

  • Path to invoice templates: This path is used by the application to load the templates that are used to export HTML invoices. Users can change this path if they want another location than the default one.

    This is also useful because users can quickly find out where the templates are located and add their own.


  • Improved project editing: Projects are easier to edit because they can be opened using a single mouse click instead of two. The application will also display only one project at a time. Tabs are not used anymore to represent multiple open projects.

  • Improved client editing: Clients can be edited by double clicking on them.

  • New Business menu: The business menu contains data-related actions. It is from this menu that users can create new clients, projects, start the timer or describe their business.

  • Export expenses to Excel: When exporting the application data (File > Export), the Excel file has two sheets: one contains all the items and the other all the expenses.

Bug Fixes

  • Failed to save invoices sometimes.