7.18. Version 2.4.2 (June 10, 2011)

This version contains bug fixes and small improvements for version 2.4.


  • Fanurio didn't close gracefully on Windows and Linux (Gnome) sometimes resulting in corrupted databases or messages that the database is in use by other instances of Fanurio.

Bug Fixes

  • Drop down lists were not visible on Mac OS X when using the mini timer.

  • When creating new service items from the"Select Service" dialog, the new item doesn't use the project billing settings.

  • DBus library wasn't loaded on 64-bit Linux systems. This prevented Fanurio to close gracefully on these systems.

  • Couldn't open files with spaces in their paths on systems running Java 5.

  • Can't create a service item for a new client from the "Select Service" dialog.

  • New email server settings were used only upon restart.

  • Failed to start on Ubuntu 11.04.

  • Windows are minimized using Cmd-M and closed using Cmd-W on Mac OS X.

  • The Shift-F5 shortcut also works for the mini timer.

  • The folder chooser was slow when displayed for the first time on Windows.

  • Didn't shutdown gracefully when running on Windows using 64-bit Java.

  • The warning that the database is already open is displayed if the database is accessed from two different IP addresses.

  • Sometimes crashed at shutdown on Windows creating files called hs_err_pidxxxx.log in the installation folder. No data was lost but the message was annoying.