3.7. Working with expenses

3.7.1. About expenses

Expenses help you record money that you spend for a project. Here's what you can record with an expense:

  • Project: The project where you want to record the expense. The project is mandatory as you can only record expenses on projects.

  • Date: The date when the expense was made.

  • Amount: The amount spent.

  • Description: A small description of the expense.

  • Reference [optional]: A reference number like the receipt number.

  • Category [optional]: A category that can help you organize your expenses.

  • Tags [optional]: A list of zero or more tags separated by commas. Tags can also help you organize expenses and they are more flexible than categories.

  • Notes: Additional notes that you may need to make in case the description field is not suitable.

If a project is billable, expenses have a few more fields. Expenses from non-billable projects don't show these fields:

  • Billable: When checked, it indicates that the expense is billable. Billable projects can have both billable and non-billable expenses.

  • Total: Indicates the how much is charged for the expense. The default is to charge the amount spent but you can use the Markup link to bill more.

There are several ways you can record an expense:

  1. Go to Business » New Expense.

  2. Go to the Expenses view and use the New button.

    When you use this method and the date filter is set to a specific date, expenses are added by default to that date. This method is very useful if you need to enter expenses for previous dates as it saves you from specifying the date for each expense.

  3. Open a project and go to the Expenses section. Then click the New button.

3.7.2. Configuring optional fields

Because not all expense fields are relevant to all users, you can hide optional fields that you don't use. Optional expense fields are fields that can be hidden in the expense windows (New Expense or Edit Expense). Here's how you can configure them:

  1. Create a new expense (New Expense) or edit an existing one (Edit Expense).

  2. Click the Configure button from the bottom-left corner.

  3. Check the fields that you want to be visible and uncheck the ones that you want to hide.

  4. Click Done. Fanurio will update the expense window to show only selected fields.

For instance, one of the optional fields is Reference. This field only makes sense if you need to record a receipt number or some other number that identifies your payment.

3.7.3. Billing expenses

If an expense is marked as billable, you can specify its total. By default, the total is the same as its amount but that can be changed. You can also specify the total by using a markup.

When a billable expense is added to an invoice, Fanurio creates an expense item for it so that it can be invoiced. Expense items have the same name as the expense category. If an expense doesn't have a category then the expense item has the generic name 'Expense'.

Expense items have Quantity equal to 1 which means that you will resell everything. If you are buying goods and you need to resell a certain amount (Quantity is not 1) then you should record your purchase as a non-billable expense and bill it using a product item. Product items allow you to specify both the quantity and the price for each individual product.

3.7.4. Using categories to organize expenses

Expenses can have an optional category that can be used to organize them.

The list of expense categories can be managed from Business » My Business Details+Expense. Expense categories can also be specified when an expense is created or edited using the New link button.

Expenses can be searched or filtered by category in the Expenses view. Just click the small arrow icon from the search field to tell it that you want to search by category. Then type the name of the category that you want to search for.

3.7.5. Using tags to organize expenses

When creating or editing an expense, you can associate one or more tags with it in the Tags field. They have to be separated by commas (eg: tag1,tag2,tag3). If you need to tag multiple expenses, go to the Expenses view and select them. Then click the Tags button at the bottom of the table.

Once you have one or more expenses with tags, you can then filter them in the Expenses view. Just click the small arrow icon from the search field to tell it that you want to search by tags. Then type the name of the tag that you want to search for.

3.7.6. Searching and filtering expenses

To learn more about the expenses you record in Fanurio, go to the Expenses view and use the filters above the expenses table. The table will display only those expenses that match the selected filters. Expenses can be filtered by:

  • client status (any, active, not active),

  • project status (any, finished, not finished),

  • invoiced status (any, invoiced, not invoiced),

  • billing status (any, billable, not billable) and

  • date.

Once you set these filters, the table footer will display the total amount of all visible expenses. For instance, you could use these filters to see how much you've spent on a date, week or month.

If you need to do extra calculations on the list of expenses, you can also export it to CSV or Excel from File » Export » Export Expenses.

The table can also be filtered using a search field that can search by:

  • category,

  • description,

  • reference,

  • tags,

  • client;project and

  • invoice.

The client;project option allows you to filter expenses by client, or project name.

If you have a client called Aristotle with a project called Rhetoric, just type Aristotle;Rhetoric and it will display this exact project. If you type Aristotle it will display all expenses for this client. The semicolon is very important as it helps Fanurio distinguish between fields.