The latest news about product updates and everything else related to Fanurio.
August 14, 2013
Version 3.0-beta1 is now available for testing.
Some of the important new features are non-billable projects, date range invoices, billing a task multiple times, new views for tasks and expenses and basic planning for tasks. You can read more about them in the change log available from the download page.
Beta questions
We're releasing this beta version because we need your feedback. Even though we've already validated the new concepts when we released version 3.0-alpha1 and the new user interface when we released version 2.7, we still want to make sure version 3.0 is the best version we've built so far and this can't be done without your help.
If you only have 30 minutes to spare then that should be enough to install and try the new version. If you also want to read the change log and try all the new features, you will probably need a few hours. Hoping you have time to test it, here's what we want to know.
Tasks have a few more fields that can help you plan your work (due date, completed date, estimated time, remaining time). Will you be using them? If no, does this complicate the application for you? Does the New Task window have too many fields?
Unlike old project service items, tasks can be billed more than once. Tasks have more columns (not all visible by default) so you can see both billable and billed work. Will you be using this feature? If no, does this complicate the application for you?
Do you use Fanurio to track expenses? If yes, do you think the new version makes things easier because expenses have a new format and a separate view where you can access all expenses?
This version no longer records costs on tasks or products so existing costs are migrated as expenses. Is this a problem for you?
This version allows you to create non-billable projects so you don't have to see billing information. Will you be using this feature? Do you use Fanurio only for billing purposes?
The new version can create non-project invoices which means that you don't have to create a project to create an invoice. Will you be using this feature?
Project reports have fewer options. There are also fewer report templates. Did we remove one that you used? If so, which one?
Will you upgrade when the final version will be released?
If no, why not? Maybe something is missing or it no longer works as before.
If yes, why? What features do you need from this new version?
What do you think about this new version?
Installation notes
In order to test this version separately from your current version, download and unzip its distribution file then run fanuriolocal. Fanurio will create a separate folder to keep all the information you enter in this version. Make sure no other instance of Fanurio is running when you launch this version. If it is then you have to close it (File > Exit, File > Quit or Fanurio > Quit).
If you want to use your current data, make sure you create a back copy with your current version and then import it in the beta version. See the manual for more details on how to create and restore backup copies.
Please note that version 3.0-beta1 still needs to be tested thoroughly before it's released officially. In other words, it's not quite recommended for production yet. If all goes well then the official version will be released in September.
If there is anything else you'd like to see changed before the final release, please let us know.