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Fanurio 4.0-beta4 Released

April 01, 2024

Version 4.0-beta4 is now available for download.

This version is recommended to users who need to run Fanurio in server mode. If you are using version 3.x and you don't need server features then you should use version 3.4 instead.

Before upgrading a server to version 4.0-beta4, make sure all clients are synced. If they are not, the unsynced changes won't be available for automatic sync after the upgrade.

This release has two purposes, one is to update version 4.0-beta3 with the features and improvements implemented since then for versions 3.x and the other one is to release new features requested by server users.

New features since 4.0-beta3

Many new features and improvements have been implemented since version 4.0-beta3 was released. The major ones were implemented in versions 3.3, 3.3.2, and 3.4. Click on each version to read more about them.

Here are the most relevant ones when deciding to upgrade to version 4.0-beta4:

  1. Database engine upgrade: This version has an upgraded database engine, see version 3.4 for more details.

    Most databases will be upgraded automatically while some databases that have texts longer than the current limits will have to be truncated manually. If your database is not upgraded automatically, please contact us.

  2. Runs on Java 11: This version requires Java 11 to run which means it won't run on OS X 10.8 and older. See version 3.3.2 for more details.

  3. Apple Silicon: This version has separate installers for Intel-based Macs and Apple Silicon Macs. See version 3.3.2 for more details.

New server features

Here is a list with the most important server features implemented in this release:

  • Documentation: Added a new chapter to the manual that documents all server features. It should make it easier for server users to learn how to set it up and manage it.

  • CLI version: The server can be started and configured from the command-line. This is necessary on systems that don't have a graphical user interface.

  • Task assignments: Tasks can now be assigned to the members of a project to control who can see them and record time on them.

  • Reimbursable expenses: Expenses can be marked as reimbursable when using the server version with two or more users.

  • Self-signed certificate: It is now possible to create a self-signed certificate for servers that use SSL.

Make sure you read the change log for more details, especially to learn how existing tasks are assigned automatically when migrating from version 4.0-beta3.

Please let us know what you think about this update. We'd love to hear your thoughts.