The latest news about product updates and everything else related to Fanurio.
September 07, 2015
Version 3.1.1 fixes the bugs reported for version 3.1 and is now available for download.
This is a free update for all users with an annual maintenance plan that expires after March 11, 2015. Go to Help > About Fanurio (Fanurio > About Fanurio on OS X) to learn when your annual maintenance plan expires or contact us if you're not sure.
This version includes support for HiDPI (Retina) monitors on Windows and OS X, an improvement we announced earlier this year. For a complete list of all the fixes, see the change log.
Just in case you missed the announcement last month, you can now use Fanurio with your team to work on the same projects. The new version can synchronize data between multiple computers without Dropbox or other file synchronization services.