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Fanurio 3.0.1 Released

March 31, 2014

Version 3.0.1 fixes the bugs reported for version 3.0 and is now available for download.

Note to 3.1-beta2 users: These fixes are also included in the latest beta version that was released today. If you are using version 3.1-beta2 then you should download and install the latest beta version instead.

This is a free update for all users with an annual maintenance plan that expires after December 03, 2013. Go to Help > About Fanurio (Fanurio > About Fanurio on OS X) to learn when your annual maintenance plan expires or contact us if you're not sure.

The two most annoying bugs fixed in this version are:

  1. The "Not Fully Invoiced" task filter shows new billable tasks.

  2. The cursor no longer jumps from one field to another when entering time using the "relative to finish" option.

For a complete list of all the fixes, see the change log.